Explore transformative visions of birth futures, spanning technobirth, communal experiences, evolving midwifery, and critical reflections on whose futures we're imagining.
Explore the intersection of technology and birth in this thought-provoking piece. From AI-assisted deliveries to embedded chips, we examine the potential and pitfalls of a technologically augmented birthing future.
Discover how the role of midwives could evolve to bridge worlds in future birthing paradigms. As visionary “portals,” midwives must engage in continuous self-reflection, deconstructing their authority and ceding power to the leadership of impacted communities.
Reimagine birth as a communal event rather than an individual experience. The visions emerging from the Birth Futures workshops reveal a deep yearning to reintegrate pregnancy and childbirth into the communal fabric from which it stems.
Challenge your assumptions about whose visions shape the future of birth. This critical reflection examines power dynamics and calls for more equitable, pluriversal approaches to imagining birth futures.